AGGEI Commission Workshops

25 OTTOBRE 2024

DALLE ORE 17:45 ALLE ORE 19:45

Evento formativo ECM

ID Evento: 6364 – 425240

17.45 – 17.55
Introduction and presentation by AGGEI Emergency and Territory Commission
Stefano Kayali, Clelia Marmo

17.55 – 18.05
Storytelling and exchange
Loredana Gualtieri

18:05 – 18:25
Upper GI Leaks and perforations – The Endoscopist’s toolbox and strategies
Valerio Pontecorvi

18:25 – 18:45
Upper GI Leaks and perforations – The surgeon’s point of view
Enzo Saverio Zito

18:45 – 19:05
Upper GI Leaks and perforations – The role of the Radiologist
Marta Zerunian

19:05 – 19:25
Loredana Gualtieri, Valerio Pontecorvi, Enzo Saverio Zito, Marta Zerunian

19:25 – 19:45
AGGEI Survey Emergency & Territory
Stefano Kayali, Clelia Marmo

ID Evento: 6364 – 425345

17.45 -17.55
Introduction and presentation by Basic Science Workshop
Bianca Bartocci, Roberto de Sire, Federica di Vincenzo, Irene Marafini, Valentina Petito, Laura Francesca Pisani, Pierluigi Puca,
Francesco Strati, Isabella Teani, Pierfrancesco Visaggi

17:55 – 18:15
Unlinking regeneration and tumorigenesis: implications for drug-discovery in inflammatory bowel disease
Srustidhar Das

18:15 – 18:25
Question & Answer

18:25 – 18:45
IBD and Spondyloarthritis: the Gut-Joint Axis
Francesco Ciccia

18:55 -19:15
Newest approach in the treatment of GI disease
Stefania Vetrano

19:15 – 19:25
Question & Answer

19:25 – 19:45
Final Discussion and Closing remarks
Bianca Bartocci, Roberto de Sire, Federica di Vincenzo,Irene Marafini, Valentina Petito, Laura Francesca Pisani, Pierluigi Puca,
Francesco Strati, Isabella Teani, Pierfrancesco Visaggi

ID Evento: 6364 – 425358

Chairmen:Claudio Ricci, Giovanni Marasco

17.45 – 17:50
Introduction to the workshop
Giovanni Marasco

17:50 – 18:05
The long journey from Sendai to Kyoto: what really changed in the BD_IPMN management?
Marianna Signoretti

18:05 – 18:20
Claudio Ricci, Giovanni Marasco, Marianna Signoretti

18:20 – 18.35
Small Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: “is the less always the best?”
Domenico Tamburrino

18.35 – 18:50
Claudio Ricci, Giovanni Marasco, Domenico Tamburrino

18:50 – 19.05
Neoadiuvant chemioterapy in resectable adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: between saying and doing…
Claudio Ricci

19:05 – 19:20
Claudio Ricci, Giovanni Marasco, Marianna Signoretti, Domenico Tamburrino

19:20 – 19:35
Practical clinic experiences
Marina La Marca, Chiara Castellana

19:35 – 19:45
Claudio Ricci

ID Evento: 6364 – 425372

Chairmen: Elisa Schiavoni, Alessandra Di Massimo, Laura Turchini

17:45 – 18:00
From Degree course to PhD: a journey through the Accademic potential carrier of the Nurse
Simone Amato

18:00 – 18:15
The new specialist nursing figures: Care and Case Manager
Paola Aquilino

18:15 – 18.30
Nursing training in specialized settings: how to train a nurse in endoscopy
Michaela Angeletti

18:30 – 18:45
Simone Amato, Paola Aquilino, Michaela Angeletti

18.45 – 19:00
Remote support of a patient: the importance of telemonitoring
Arianna Povoli

19:00 – 19:15
The transition from intravenous to subcutaneous therapies in IBD: how patient management is changed in Transfusion centres
Eva Roncen

19:15 – 19:30
The importance of psychological support in IBD
Giorgia Spagnolo

19:30 – 19.45
Arianna Povoli, Eva Roncen, Giorgia Spagnolo


26 OTTOBRE 2024

DALLE ORE 14.00 ALLE ORE 16.00

Evento formativo ECM

ID Evento: 6364 – 425401

Chairmen: Loris R. Lopetuso, Giovanni Marasco, Olga Maria Nardone

14:00 – 14:20
Diet and functional food implementation in gastroeintestinal diseases
Franco Scaldaferri

14:20 – 14:40
Prebiotics: fibers and beyond
Cesare Cremon

14:40 – 15:00
Probiotics and Postbiotics in disorders of gut-brain interaction
Loris R. Lopetuso

15:00 – 15:20
Probiotics and Postbiotics in inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases
Olga Maria Nardone

15:20 – 15:40
Probiotics behaviours in clinical practice results: an italian survey from Aggei
Giovanni Marasco

15:40 – 16:00
Loris R. Lopetuso, Giovanni Marasco, Olga Maria Nardone

ID Evento: 6364 – 425414

14:00 – 14:20
Virtual Chromoendoscopy: Technology at the Service of Future Endoscopy
Marco Valvano

14:20 – 14:40
Artificial Intelligence in Endoscopy: Advancing Diagnostic Precision and Efficiency
Leonardo Frazzoni

14:40 – 16:00
Hands-On Session on Endoscopy Simulators
Pasquale Apolito, Federica Borrelli, Marina La Marca, Leonardo Frazzoni, Silvia Pecere

ID Evento: 6364 – 425421

14:00 – 14:15
Brief indications on how to use the ultrasound probe correctly
Vanessa Alemanni, Fabio Cortellini

14:15 – 14:30
Ultrasound anatomy of the upper abdomen
Alessia D. Guarino

14:30 – 14:45
Bowel ultrasound; the indication and how to perform the exam
Andrea Costantino, Lucrezia Laterza

14:45 – 16:00
Hands-on: Practical part of ultrasound: upper abdomen, and bowel ultrasound in healthy models:
Ultrasound guided by
Vanessa Alemanni, Fabio Cortellini, Andrea Costantino, Alessia D. Guarino, Lucrezia Laterza

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